What Is Logomotion?

2011's competition was logomotion!  The point of the competition was to build a robot that could put the three different shapes of the First Robotics logo, which are a square, triangle, and circle, on certain pegs on a wall.  However, there were some guidelines that all the teams had to follow.  We all had to worry about weight, height, and electrical restrictions.  This is what made it challenging.

Let the Games Begin!

We missed the first day of the competition because we were still working out all the loose ends of our robot, but by the second day we were ready.  The games took place on the official playing field inside the Jon Huntsman Center.  There was loud music, lights, an audience, and we were pumped.

Safety Inspection

In order to participate in the actual competition we had to have the safety inspection.  The inspector (the guy in the yellow hat) checked to make sure we had no sharp edges, that we were within height and weight limits, and he also made sure that we had used all the correct parts.

Once we got the motors, radios, and everything else ready we took the robot for a little test drive.  We went to a test area where we could practice and see what components still needed to be fixed.

The Claw!

Of course we needed a way to pick up the tubes, so we designed and built an arm out of pvc.  This arm was was connected to a large spring and powered by a windshield wiper motor.  We used a second motor to open and close the jaws that would pick up the tubes.  (Here we are installing it on top of the robot).

The Lift part 2

We needed some way to make the scissor lift rise of course.  Out mentor helped us create this standing pulley system that would lift the bottom of the scissors and therefore lifting the entire scissor system.

The Lift

We had decided that a scissor lift would be the best way to go.  It could reach high, and would take up little space when collapsed.  We used aluminum conduit to make each arm.